Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Committe pictured above

First row, left to right: Dorothy (Killfeather) Ellis, Bonnie (Edwards) Hofman, Rita (Hutchins) Sutter. Second row, Gerry Congiardo, Lola (Lopez) Mueller, Angela (Simone) Newcomb, Betty Reyes, Janet (Oreman) Williams, June (Haverkorn) Palmer. Back row, Bill Guettler, Don Bumpass, Jack Robertson, Jim Wilson, John Dobson, & Jim Perkins. In a row by herself between the second and last row is Ellie (Kunze) Quinlan.

Summer Class of 1960 - 55 Year Reunion - The Committee

Ron & Carol (Minkler) Attinger

(714) 842-7520


John Dobson

(562) 691-9376


Bonnie (Edwards) Hofmann

(562) 425-4505


Rith (Hutchins) Suthers

(714) 921-0167


Bill Guettler

(562) 947-2721


June (Haverkorn) Palmer

(714) 528-8059


Dorothy (Kilfeather) Ellis

(909) 628-7715


Eleanor (Kunze) Quillin

(562) 941-3602


Janet (Oremen) Williams

(714) 963-2972

jwillihb@gmail.com or jwillihb@aol.com

Jack Robertson

(562) 943-3314


Jim & Mary Perkins

(951) 734-3932


Angela (Simone) Newcomb

(714) 921-1436


Brad Wethern

(909) 994-7440


Jim Weinfurter

(909) 627-8277


Jim Wilson

(562) 868-3575


Reunion Pic's

October 09 Meeting

Luncheon @ Heroes 10/5/09 w / Jackie T. & Micki P.

Pictures By Ron Attinger - South Gate High School

Pictures by Lola Lopez

Lola Lopez Pic's

Luncheon Meeting at the Crowne Plaza March 9, 2010
Place cursor over individual picture's to enlarge.

Group party pic

Group party pic
July 12, 2008
Pictured above
Front row, left to right, Barbara Weinfurter, Joyce (Hamilton) Agosto, Mary Perkins, Janet (Oreman) Williams, Betty Reyes, Rebecca Eskridge. Second row, Lola (Lopez) Mueller, Jim Wilson, Carol (Minkler) Attinger, Patti Robertson, Angela (Simone) Newcomb, Bonnie (Edwards) Hofman, Helen (Rios) Enchef. Third row, John Dobson, Don Agosto, Brad Wearthern, Bill Guettler, Jack Robertson, Dave Eskridge, Rita (Hutchings) Suthers. Back row, Jim Perkins, Ron Attinger, Jim Weinfurter, Don Yeates, Dorothy (Kilfeather) Ellis, Jo Ellen Dobson, Burt Suthers.

Party Details


Dateline La Habra, California, July 12, 2008

The Summer Class of 1960 South Gate High School discovered a secret this year- a secret that may become the prototype for class reunions across the United States in the decades to come.

Beginning at 4 pm on this date, in the backyard of John and Jo Ellen Dobson the class committee manifested the third leg of the 2008 Triathlon of mini-reunions, which included two luncheons, (one which resulted in a rash of parking tickets and unruly protests, another which honored world traveler and bon vivant classmate, Lonny Ritter, who was back in California for a brief stay from his home somewhere in the South China Sea). The best leg was saved for last-- the incredible Dobson-hosted pool party pot luck!

One class member patted his stomach and said, "Pot luck? If I didn't havethis pot, I wouldn't have any luck at all.

"WHO CAME? Plenty of great people including Bill and Barbara Guettler,Bonnie (Edwards) Hofmann, Dave and Rebecca Eskridge, Dorothy (Kilfeather)Ellis, Irene Reyes, Jack and Patti Robertson, Janet (Oreman) Williams, Jim and Mary Perkins, Jim and Barbara Weinfurter, Jim Wilson, effervescent Lola (Lopez) Mueller, Burt and Rita (Hutchins) Suthers, Ron and Carol (Minkler) Attinger, Don and Joyce (Hamilton) Agosto, Don Yeates, Helen Rios, Brad Wethern, Angela (Simone) Newcomb, and many more in spirit.

WHAT HAPPENED? A lot munching, schmoozing and camaraderie. A lot of reminiscing using the time honored technique of "selective memory", which occurs when the person telling the story is the hero and everyone else is a bit player. When you get three people who remember the same event and piece the information together, you get a really big production epic with an all-star cast.

Don and Joyce (Hamilton) AGOSTO traveled the furthest, all the way from Bend, Oregon. Don Yates came from Santa Rosa, but flew to Denver first so he could win The Prize for traveling the furthest. We don't know where Ray Ervin started out from but after driving around for several hours Angela gota call expressing his regrets. "I evidently can't get there from here," he said. "I will bring my salad next time." He was reportedly somewhere just outside of Omaha. A problem with his GPS was cited. The Prize for traveling the furthest was a picture taken of the winner wearing Dobson'sLetterman's jacket, which was on display in the "Heroes of a Yesteryear"section of the memorabilia kiosk.

WHAT ELSE HAPPENED? There was a lot of laughing and catching up and puttingthe pieces of lifetimes together. General good cheer. Interesting anecdotes about the 1960 City Championship baseball team told by the members themselves.

OVERHEARD CLASSMATE INTERACTION: Jack Robertson, shooting hoops in the swimming pool with John Dobson, told Brad Wethern, not in the pool, he wouldgive him a dollar if he could make a free throw across the pool in one shot. Brad made the shot and spent the next hour trying to collect his money. Wealthy mercantile magnate Jim Weinfurter agreed to cover his debt and gaveBrad the money, but wanted to know why Jack agreed to such a thing when he was in his bathing suit with no money. Jack said "I thought I was safe.That's the first time Brad Wethern ever made a free throw in his life."

MUSIC: Pre 1960 hits. Churned up memories. Most poignant were, we can't remember...

THEME FOOD WINNERS: Winner of the most sentimental potato salad was DaveEskridge's entry with a big SG in red-- right in the middle. In a salute toDave's thoughtfulness, everyone ate around the letters. As the evening wore on, the SG was standing all alone, high in the potato salad bowl, and then kind of sagged over to the left.

Winner of the best cooked cheese burgers of the night was John Dobson, who owned the grill and cooked all of them, smacking anyone who tried to grab his spatula. Voices rang out in the night: "Hey Barbeque John, can I have another burger?" "Sure, Shorty," John would thoughtfully say, "But don't eat more than three. Too many of these in one night can clog your porky little arteries."

Photographs were taken throughout the night in various stages of sobriety and undress by Jim Wilson, Ron Attinger and some old guy we think was from the DEA. All the pictures have been artistically compiled into a DVD, which is set to music by John Dobson (You may remember the early rock band John Dand the Joy Boys) and has been made available to all class members and blackmail entrepreneurs who wish to purchase it for the reduced price of $5.00. It was originally $10, but John's Stratocaster was stuck bylightning during the electrical storm (while in the pool) and rendered him and the guitar tone deaf for most of the taping. Other hits of the fifties were added to the video making it a truly memorable entertainment experience. Copies are available by calling John at 562/691-9376 or Email: jdobson3@mac.com

The online gossip is EVERYONE had a great time, even the people who were not there were there by proxy. They couldn't help it, because everyone talked about them so much, always in glowing terms, of course (Eyes of listeners popping out of heads). "It was as though we had the friendly ghosts of peprallies past reappearing before us," Angela said after a wistful sip of Chardonnay.

Another party is in the works with already named hot host Dorothy(Kilfeather) Ellis. Date TBD.

If you would like your name removed from this mailing list please contactAngela at 714/921-1436 or email: newcomba@earthlink.net.

Written by Brad Wethern and Angela (Simone) Newcomb. If you have any corrections, additions or complaints keep them to yourself...just kidding, contact Brad not Angela.

Until we meet again..."You have a standing invitation to enjoy the day-every day!"

Jim Perkins @ Dos Lagos

Jim Perkins @ Dos Lagos
Looks wide open

Golf 7/22/09

Golf 7/22/09
L/R Jim Wilson, Pat Oliver, Bill Guettler, Jim Perkins

Golf, 7/16/09

Golf, 7/16/09
L/R Jim Wilson, John Dobson, Bill Guettler & Pat Oliver

Golf, June 2009

Golf, June 2009
L/R Jim Wilson, Pat Oliver, Bill Guettler & Jack Robertson

Reunion Humor

Some Of Will Rogers' Observations .................ABOUT GROWING OLDER...

First ~ Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your ageand start bragging about it.

Second ~ The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.

Third ~ Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want peopleto know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.

Fourth ~ When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, thinkof Algebra.

Fifth ~ You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.

Sixth ~ I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.

Seventh ~ One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being young.

Eighth ~ One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.

Ninth ~ Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.

Tenth ~ Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it's called golf.

And finally ~ If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you are old.

Why is it that at class reunions you feel younger than everyone else looks?

About Me

Married, 4 children, 6 grandchildren. Retired and loving it.